
Showing posts from August, 2009

Stretching the writing muscles

I used to be able to write with reasonable coherence, I was never a master craftsman, but what wrote was normally readable to a fashion. Having just re-read yesterday's post on the HTC Hero, it looks like I'm out of practice. Well, it has been months since I wrote anything longer than a tweet, so perhaps I shouldn't rely on Twitter so much, and actually write some posts for this blog. We'll see how that works out...

Template issues

Anyone got any idea how to get rid of that annoying gap to the left of the post text? Come on Mal, you must know! :)

A week with the HTC Hero

Technically, the T-Mobile G2 Touch , but it's an HTC Hero really. First, I'll tell you where I'm approaching this from. I have been using a Nokia N95 for almost 2 years and I use pretty much all the features on my phone: GPS, web browser, email integration, etc... The N95 does the job very nicely, so much so that when I was due to upgrade last year, I didn't. Yes, it has its problems (I'm not a great fan of Symbian ), but it is a very effective package. So, I was interested to see how much better Google's Android system and the new hardware were. The company I work for has just kitted out its staff with Heros. We use Google Apps to service our email, contacts, calendar requirements and as Android is a Google product, you'd expect these things to work together pretty seamlessly. And yes, they do. Setting up the phone to talk to my Google account was simple and in no time all my contacts, emails, etc. were synchronised. Whatever tools, gadgets and applicat...