
Showing posts from June, 2014

Scotland's Future

Yes. I read it . Thoughts in brief: It could have been significantly shorter. There is so much repetition throughout the document, it almost feels like a hopeful 'say it enough times and it shall be'. It is a curious blend of government white paper and political manifesto. I'm not convinced it works as a document. A huge amount of future policy up in the air - there is a lot of aspirational stuff devoid of any real detail. There are some very sizeable assumptions in there over which the Scottish Government has no real say. (e.g. EU membership, Sterling zone membership) The complexities of splitting things such as pensions are not really detailed. Look, I'm not a policy expert - or an anything expert for that matter - but the further through the document I got the more concerned I was about what is being offered here. There is much aspirational stuff with little or no detailed proposals how policy goals can be achieved. So many areas of policy seem to rely on the...

"Short pants" politicians

Great quote from Paddy Ashdown : "I think far too many politicians today come into politics in short pants straight out of school never having done anything else. Before I was elected I was a solider for 11 years, I was in the foreign service, I was a businessman, I was unemployed twice – I was actually elected to parliament from the unemployment register when I was given a temporary job as a youth worker. I’ve done a lot of things before I went into parliament. What I can say is that all of those things proved an accidental apprenticeship for the job that I then did. And I do think politics is diminished today by being far too professional, and having people telling us what to do who have never done a real job themselves." Can't argue with that. References: Original interview on via the Liberal Democrat Voice website.

HTC One X and Android 4.2.2

Is anyone else having problems with their HTC One X following the OTA update to Android 4.2.2? Battery life on my phone is now awful; as is WiFi connectivity. The phone has, as a result, gone from brilliant to barely fit for purpose. This is most annoying to say the least. Ok, I am at the end of my contract. Yes, I can start hunting around for a new phone. But I want to do that in my own time, not rush it because of some software update gone bad.