Not quite so gay...

Yes, I have a Suzuki Jimny and yes, I quite rightly get stick for it: it is after all by far the gayest car in the village. However, I'm having a bit of a chuckle about it today after driving into town last night.

Probably not the best idea given the conditions, but then I wasn't expecting the local councils to be quite so incompetent with regards to their gritting abilities.

Basically, the city centre (and most of the surrounding area) was sheet black ice. Always such a pleasure to drive on.

Two hours it took to drive to town and back, but the Jimny was always sure-footed, with no unwelcome slippage. More than can be said for the brand new BMW 5 series I overtook because it couldn't get up a slight bank and, more surprisingly, that X5 that went sliding merrily down Durant Road. My 9 grand Jimny stayed firmly glued where 2 35 grand bimmers did not. Smug, me? Never....

Well, maybe just a little.


Mal said…
It's not just the 35-grand bimmers having bother. I reversed the Mini off the drive yesterday and couldn't get it back up the little sloped kerb. In fact, I couldn't go forwards at all. Had to reverse into a neighbour's parking space instead and leave it there till the snow thaws. :( Goodyear Eagle F1's - great on the track, not so good on snow.

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