Film: Ghost in the Shell

I am a bit of a fan of Japanese films as you may have noticed. This most certainly includes the animated variety.

Ghost in the Shell is 11 years old now, but what a fine Anime. Exploring the question of what make us human, this is an interesting and most enjoyable film.

Set only 23 or so years in the future, we see a world inhabited by cyborgs: humans who have had varying amounts of their bodies replaced by machinery. Human spirit/soul, call it what you will, living in a mechanical box - the ghost in the shell - at what stage do we stop being human?

This film follows a character who has become mainly machine, and a piece of software that now has human form. The questions of humanity come to the fore. What happens when you die? How do you produce offspring that are not simply carbon copies, but different from the parents - how to be more human. A fascinating watch.


Mal said…
Man, I can't believe you've only just watched this! I could've lent you it yonks back too. And congrats on writing a review that didn't include the words "inspired The Matrix". :)

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