Film: The Return (Возвращение)

Another Russian film this one, only this time the acting was spot on. Telling the story of two young boys whose father turns up one day after a 12 year absence.

Visually this is a very appealing film, showing stunning images of the Russian wilderness. It's quite a contrast: beautiful scenery that you should be happy to be surrounded by, mixed with trying to get on with a father you don't know, and who hasn't a clue how to cope with two young boys.

The two young lads who play the sons put in great performances opposite the abrupt and not-a-little-unpleasant father. Sadly, the 15 year-old actor who played Andrey drowned shortly after the film was finished.

The Return won a Golden Lion at Venice in 2003 along with 27 other awards, so it's pretty well though of by the experts.

We never found exactly where the boys' father had been for the last 12 years, what he did or indeed, what was in the box. Worth a watch though.


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