Film: The Iron Giant

I missed this film first time round, and having watched it this afternoon I'm wondering why.

A simple story about a robot (both iron and giant) arriving on earth and befriending a young boy. Stories and rumours start to fly around, especially when cars and other metal objects appear to have large bite marks out of them. In a similar fashion to ET, the government arrives to get to the bottom of things.

Once the cause of these occurrences has been identified, the army arrives en-masse and reverts to a fairly typical approach: we don't know what it is, so let's smash it.

I won't go into details of the final stages of the story, but of course everything turns out pretty well in the end. As a non-Japanese animated feature people may dismiss this film as one for the kids, but this would be a mistake. It's a wonderful, heart-warming film.

The Iron Giant on IMDB


Mal said…
Ha! Did we talk about the ET thing as we left the cinema, or did we spot it independently? Either way... jinx! :)
Dave Miller said…
Came to me in a moment of editorial genius...

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