Beijing Olympics

As two weeks of hard-fought sporting greatness draws to a spectacular close, attention moves swiftly from Beijing to London. How quickly the Olympics pass. Years of preparation, not to mention the $42bn spend, over in an instant. But what games. China had something to prove to the world and it did that emphatically. These games were supremely well organised, visually stunning and magnificently entertaining.

I hope now that the UK (or GB as it has been for the last 2 weeks) will work to make a real success of 2012. I know people are complaining about the cost, about the fact it's mostly benefiting London, that £26 million is a lot to spend on cycling, etc., etc. But let's be honest, there are always people who will complain - we are after all, a nation of self-deprecating - almost self-loathing - whingers.

For me, sport is worthy of proper investment. You simply cannot can not put a price on how the success of Team GB has lifted people in this country, how much of an influence it will have had on youngsters who may feel compelled to put down their game controller of choice and do something sporty. This has to be a good thing, not only for general health levels, but also for our self-belief as a nation. I don't wish to sound jingoistic or pointlessly over-nationalistic, but sometimes it seems the only thing we are good at in the UK is putting ourselves down. We can do great things here, and not just at the velodrome or in the pool.

And really, the costs are not that great. Yes, in comparison to the contents of your wallet or purse, £26m is a lot. However, in the context of annual UK tax receipts of £550bn, even the projected cost of £9.5bn over 6 years isn't really that much. If you wish to bang on about wasting money (and that is fair enough) then read The Bumper Book of Government Waste and take it from there.

I must, of course, mention the athletes. They have had much better support from the country over the past few years and have repaid that support handsomely. Our 4th place in the overall medals table is incredible considering back in 1996 we finished 36th. The cyclists, rowers and sailors have produced dominating performances that have really shown the world that the UK can do well. Not to forget others such as Becky Adlington in the pool and Christine Ohuruogu on the track. So many fabulous performances and there could have been more medals. It was a fantastic team achievement and the potential for 2012 is huge. There have been so many wonderful performances by athletes from all nations, Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt spring to mind - they really have been a joy to watch.

So we move to London for what promises to be very different games, they will have to be as we simply cannot afford to put on a show like the Chinese. However, as our 8 minute slot in the closing ceremony showed, we can do modern, we can do wit and I believe we will put on a games worth remembering. Yes, I still have faith in my country.


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