Mobile useage

In a brief follow-up to an earlier post (Time to replace the mobile), I though it may be useful to outline how I use my mobile phone. Everyone uses their mobile differently because modern smartphones can do so many different things, so what I need from my mobile is likely to be different to what you need. This is how mine gets used:

I drive to and from work, so that is around an hour of screen on/GPS time per day while I run Waze. Sadly, my current phone just will not charge when plugged into a 12v car charger, and I've tried a few.

It is about 20 to 30 minutes walk from the car to the office, depending on the route, during which I am tracking progress using Endomondo and listening to music over Bluetooth. So that is another 40 to 60 minutes of GPS a day as well as sending music to my Bluetooth headset.

During the day I may have a phone call or two, but that's not too common. Yes, using the phone as a phone is nowhere near the top of the usage list.

Other than that it's email, occasional YouTube, Instagram and Facebook use as well as sometimes controlling the Kodi box using Yatse. That's pretty much it, but it does mean my battery percentage is usually down in the low 20s by the time I plug it in at night.


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