Film roundup

This must be some sort of record - 3 posts in one day!

Right, seeing as how I have been a member of an online DVD rental site (LOVEFiLM if you're interested)for a while, I thought it was about time I ran through the films I've watched. Here we go:

- Aitraaz: Bollywood film about a fell who gets done over by his female boss, but his wife, the lawyer, sorts it all out. I though after the first 20 minutes that this was going to be a McKay sop-fest. But I persevered and it turned into a decent film. Lots of dancing and songs etc. Bollywood produces some thoroughly entertaining films.

- Vera Drake: Excellent film. Typically understated and beautifully shot.

- Cowboy Bebop: You've got to love Anime, and this is a really good one. (As we all know there is some pap around)

- Spirited Away: Absolutely wonderful. Anime at it's very very best. The characters and story are just superb. If you've never seen this film, you must!

- Uzak: Turkish film (rented because it was the only Turkish language film available and I'm learning at the minute) Interesting, slow, moody. I found it tricky to get into but towards the end as the story of the brother who lives in Istanbul unfolds, becomes a worthy watch.

- Ten: Iranian film. I hired this because I'd seen the last 30 mins on BBC4 sometime last year and really enjoyed it. The format is incredibly straightforward, 10 stories set in the leading lady's taxi. I won't rattle on, but the interaction between the lead and her son is fascinating. Although if he was my son, I'd have to give him a slap. Watch it and see.

- Shower: Chinese film this one. If you've never seen it then do. My favorite film this year. Yuppie brother returns home to the sticks thinking his father has died. He hasn't and initially feels resentment towards his mentally slow brother who caused the confusion. Slowly though, he comes to love the life in the provinces, despite the phone calls from his wife demanding his return.

- Elektra: shite

- Vampire Hunter D: couldn't watch it, horrible American dubbing (see earlier post) Might be a good film, who knows.

- Into The Mirror: Korean cinema is just ace, they've come out with some splendid films - I've got Oldboy downstairs ready to watch. Really enjoyed this film.

I think that'll do for now. This post is long enough!!!


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