Blogs and WAP

Technology, eh? Very handy at times. And then sometimes it's nice to do stuff just because you can. So this evening I tried to open this blog on my mobile phone using WAP - just to see what happened. Now WAP is not the fastest medium in the world, and my phone sure did struggle - but to its credit, it worked!

The obvious next step was to see if I could edit/publish a blog post using the mobile. Result: out of memory. Ah well, I'd got further than I'd expected.

So why on earth was I messing around in the world of WAP? Well, I remembered earlier today that I actually have a WAP site, courtesy of O2: here if you're interested. It contains nothing very much, but I thought it might be worth trying to keep it up to date in the future. Not so much a New Year's resolution as a we'll see how it goes type of thing.

Oh yes, happy New Year!


Unknown said…
In the world of 3G that I inhabit none of those things would be a problem. Except the filthy mothers at 3 don't allow me to access any old internet, just *their* version of it. They recently had the radical notion of allowing you to access things called "web sites" but only ones they have approved and only if you pay through the nose for your packets.

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