Film roundup 2

Since joining LOVEFiLM in September I've have sat through 26 films. That doesn't include those that I have seen at the flicks. So, naturally, I'm not going to post individual reviews every single film. I will however post a round-up every now and again (much as I did in November.) Here's number 2...

Very much from the Four Weddings, Notting Hill, Love Actually tree except Hugh Grant wasn't in it. Required no thought or anything. A nice, happy film with the usual smatterings of Brit-wit. I enjoyed.

The Body
A question: what is an actor with the abilities of Derek Jacobi doing skulking around in a heap like this?

I liked the idea behind this film (modern-day Israeli archeologist discovers body of crucified man from 1st Century AD) It just wasn't very well executed (no pun intended)

The English language has many flaws, particularly its chosen representation on the written page, but what it does have are many excellent descriptive words that I could apply to this film. And from amongst them all I choose the word shite.

Grave Of The Fireflies
Yes I know, another Anime - but yet another stonker. I don't mind admitting that the tears were welling at the end. Tragic, tragic story. A fabulous film.

Taking Lives
It was ok I suppose, I wouldn't bother unless you have an Angelina Jolie fetish or time on your hands.

When The Last Sword Is Drawn
Similar in feel to the fabulous Twilight Samurai and covering similar themes, that of the harsh realities of life as a low ranking samurai towards the end of the Tokugawa era (mid 19th century.) Great story, beautifully produced. If you like this sort of genre then get this one watched.

National Treasure
Enjoyed this one. Nicholas Cage did a good job and t'was a merry adventure, following the clues to find the loot. I'm sure the bumpf on the back of the book would have some reference to Da Vinci Code.

The Pianist
Absolutely brilliant portrayal of the suffering of the Jews during Nazi occupation of Poland. The film pulls no punches in showing the level of cruelty the occupiers would stoop to. It also showed how it is possible to survive against such extraordinary odds - this was based on a true story.

Watching it really made me question people and their ability to do such things to other people. But also, and perhaps more importantly, how Israel of all nations can behave the way it does towards others.

At Five In The Afternoon
A good film that shows life progressing post-Taliban Afghanistan, but also the perseverance of the old ways. Particularly the attitude of the men towards women studying anything other than the Koran and, heaven forbid, expressing opinions or showing their face.

Think yourself lucky that you live in a free society. If you watch and enjoy this, try Kandahar which was set while the Taliban were still in power.

Barefoot Gen
Can't remember the details to be honest, I think I liked it but didn't bother watching Barefoot Gen 2 which was on the same disc. Technically, this isn't quite up there with the best Japanese animation but still very watchable. The powerful anti-war stance is not a surprise given the subject - the bombing of Hiroshima at the end of WWII.

That was a long one, but I think I've covered everything now... until the next film arrives on Monday that is! :)


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